Event: Fashion and Gospel
Fashion and the Gospel was a successful event organised by Christ Embassy @ BLW auditorium. It was filled with a large audience of at least 1000 people. The hall was well lit and well spaced...
Comedians, dancers, musicians and other various types performers cane for this uplifting event and before the main event, a preacher preached to us and converted many...
This was an awesome experience
Lots of Fashion designers came aboard... Like Mctopaz, Sophietera Fashion House, House of Haves and many more and these were some pictures taken in the event

Comedians, dancers, musicians and other various types performers cane for this uplifting event and before the main event, a preacher preached to us and converted many...
This was an awesome experience
Lots of Fashion designers came aboard... Like Mctopaz, Sophietera Fashion House, House of Haves and many more and these were some pictures taken in the event

Fashion and the gospel attracts 3200 students in the university of Benin at the Blw main auditorium