The aftermath
There's always an aftermath to every situation... Starting from the plan to practice...
As for musicians the aftermath is some random freestyle, spitting out different lyrics and rhymes and might even record some...
For an artist, the aftermath is random painting... Trying to play and have fun with his paint brush...
So the aftermath of an occasion can lead into the discovery of a better new thing related to that particular field...
For the Muscian he might create a better song
For the artist, he might create a multimillion art work
Now, we've seen many ways we can discover something new through the aftermath... But the greatest among all these are the models...
In the picture below, you'll see Emeka and Faith chilling after the photo shoot...
The models are the ones to tell the designers what is great and good for production...
The aftermath of the models is basically just lots of fun and mixing different clothes and wearing them... Bringing new ideas to make the fashion industry a better place...
To create something new, you have to use the experience of the aftermath of something old...
That is to say without the aftermath nothing will ever come new... We create some things great out of mistakes or unknowingly to us...
Now the aftermath of Fashion gives you the opportunity to try out any clothes at your disposal as shown by the group below...
Now let's learn about the aftermath from these models @reilann and @da_majesty
The best thing I love about this photo is the hairstyle of faith., which shows how strong and brave of a woman she is...
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